Infografik 3 komponen utama Model perpustakaan digital UiTM.
The repository is a platform that contains sources of reference materials for learning and research purposes. The UiTM Library provides three repositories that provide a collection of digital materials through the repository of university institutions, Open Access and Local Content Hub.
MyKM Portal provide the complete information search, categorization and personalization services that allow UiTM Library users to harness the collected enterprise knowledge assets from a single, logical point of access.
UiTM IR is a centre of digital collections, act as an open-access repository that collects, preserve and disseminates scholarly output by university members at Universiti Teknologi MARA.
With the mobile app, you can access information wherever you are and whenever you want to get the latest information on our library, access e-resources and many more.
22 UiTM Digital Services
TRANSPARENT RANKING: Institutional Repositories by Google Scholar
The "The Ranking Web of World repositories" is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientÃficas (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain.
Spanish Research Council main buildingCSIC is among the first basic research organizations in Europe. The CSIC consisted in 2006 of 126 centers and institutes distributed throughout Spain.
CSIC is attached to the Ministry of Education and its main objective is to promote scientific research as to improve the progress of the scientific and technological level of the country which will contribute to increase the welfare of the citizens.
CSIC also plays an important role in the formation of new researchers and technicians in the different aspects of the science and the technology.
The organization collaborates with other institutions of the Spanish R&D system (universities, autonomous governs, other public and private research organisms) and with social, economic, national or foreign agents to which contributes with its research capacity and human and material resources in the development of research projects or under the form of consultancy and scientific and technical support. CSIC was founded in 1939 from a previous body, the Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones CientÃficas created in 1907 under the leadership of the Spanish Nobel Prize Prof. Ramón y Cajal.
CCHS building
The laboratory is located at the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS). This center started during 2007 and originated from the merge in one place of the different centers and institutes devoted to the Social and Humanity Sciences that belongs to the CSIC and were located in Madrid.
The Cybermetrics Lab, part of the CCHS - CSIC, is devoted to the quantitative analysis of the Internet and Web contents specially those related to the processes of generation and scholarly communication of scientific knowledge. This is a new emerging discipline that has been called Cybermetrics (our team developed and publishes the free electronic journal Cybermetrics since 1997) or Webometrics.
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Objectives of the Webometrics Ranking of World's Universities
The original aim of the Ranking was to promote Web publication. Supporting Open Access initiatives, electronic access to scientific publications and to other academic material are our primary targets. However web indicators are very useful for ranking purposes too as they are not based on number of visits or page design but on the global performance and visibility of the universities.
As other rankings focused only on a few relevant aspects, specially research results, web indicators based ranking reflects better the whole picture, as many other activities of professors and researchers are showed by their web presence.
The Web covers not only only formal (e-journals, repositories) but also informal scholarly communication. Web publication is cheaper, maintaining the high standards of quality of peer review processes. It could also reach much larger potential audiences, offering access to scientific knowledge to researchers and institutions located in developing countries and also to third parties (economic, industrial, political or cultural stakeholders) in their own community.
The Webometrics ranking has a larger coverage than other similar rankings (see table below). The ranking is not only focused on research results but also in other indicators which may reflect better the global quality of the scholar and research institutions worldwide.
Melalui projek pembangunan Executive Information System (EIS), Perpustakaan UiTM telah menyediakan satu platform yang menguruskan data-data penting 38 buah Perpustakaan. Selain daripada itu, sistem ini juga mengandungi data Petunjuk Prestasi bagi melihat keberkesanan sasaran yang telah ditetapkan oleh pengurusan Perpustakaan.
Pada 22 Disember 2020 Jabatan Perpustakaan Digital telah mengadakan lawatan kerja ke UPSI Digital Library, Kompleks Akademik Tanjung Malim, Perak. Kunjungan seramai 3 orang itu telah diketuai oleh Ts. Haji Azizi bin Jantan (Timbalan Ketua Pustakawan Kanan, Ketua Jabatan Perpustakaan Digital UiTM).
Lawatan ini bertujuan untuk bertukar-tukar pandangan dan idea berkaitan inisiatif dan pembangunan perpustakaan digital. Selain tujuan lawatan ini untuk menambahk ilmu pengetahuan di samping mengeratkan silaturrahim di antara dua perpustakaan.
Sesi lawatan dan penerangan ini disambut oleh Encik Rozman B. Che Ross (Ketua Bahagian Perpustakaan Digital) dan Encik Khairul Asyrani B. Sulaiman (Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat, Ketua Bahagian Automasi Perpustakaan). Terima kasih Perpustakaan UPSI yang berkongsi pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang sangat berharga. Semoga berkekalan perkongsian kepakaran dalam meningkatkan tahap perkhidmatan Perpustakaan Akademik di Malaysia.
Sempena lawatan kerja Ketua Pustakawan UiTM Ts. Noor Hidayat Bin Adnan ke Perpustakaan UiTM Cawangan Johor Kampus Segamat pada 21 - 22 September 2020, aplikasi Mobile App @ PTAR versi 3.2.2 telah mula digunakan dan dimaklumkan kepada warga kampus