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Perpustakaan Digital UiTM

Infografik 3 komponen utama Model perpustakaan digital UiTM.

Repositori UiTM

The repository is a platform that contains sources of reference materials for learning and research purposes. The UiTM Library provides three repositories that provide a collection of digital materials through the repository of university institutions, Open Access and Local Content Hub.

My Knowledge Management

MyKM Portal provide the complete information search, categorization and personalization services that allow UiTM Library users to harness the collected enterprise knowledge assets from a single, logical point of access.

UiTM Institutional Repository

UiTM IR is a centre of digital collections, act as an open-access repository that collects, preserve and disseminates scholarly output by university members at Universiti Teknologi MARA.


With the mobile app, you can access information wherever you are and whenever you want to get the latest information on our library, access e-resources and many more.


22 UiTM Digital Services

Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Use Facebook in varsities


Social networking sites such as Facebook have become an integral tool in institutions of higher learning.

NST 23 February 2012, KUALA LUMPUR: Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Khaled Nordin has welcomed the trend of institutions of higher learning using social networks such as Facebook and Twitter for educational purposes.


"I believe that higher education should grow along with the latest developments in information technology in order to stay current with students. Social networks get the message across effectively and that is what matters most.

"Students usually respond faster to Facebook threads when compared with university portals. Hence, it is a good move."  

Khaled said institutions of higher learning  should look into using more interactive teaching methods, adding that communicating via social networks was a good start.

Universiti Sains Malaysia Associate Professor Mohd Kamarul Kabilan said the use of social media for educational purposes inculcated a more positive attitude towards learning.

He said his research  showed that 67.9 per cent of the students  interviewed said  they had gained confidence when communicating with their classmates as well as   their lecturers.

Kamarul said the question of whether the tool was useful or not depended on the lecturers and   students.

"Facebook's features such as the 'wall',  'notes'  and  'video uploads'  can be used for learning in the form of exchanging and sharing of ideas, thinking critically and encouraging collaboration."

International Islamic University Malaysia macroeconomics lecturer Riasat Amin said communicating with his students through the Internet had  a profound impact on the dynamics of his classroom.

"Social networks have definitely helped bridge the gap we had with my students. We connect better in class now."


Riasat explained that online platforms had made the teaching and learning process more interactive as students who were too shy to raise questions during class could express themselves online.

A survey conducted by Taylor's School of Communication found that students tend to respond better through Facebook compared with university online portals.

"When they use student portals, they feel like it is work.

"But communication through social media is a more relaxed process," said Taylor's Communication and Media Management programme director Catherine Lee Cheng Kiat.

She said 99 per cent of her students had Facebook accounts, hence the possibility of students being left out of online discussions was rare.

Students, in turn, have responded positively to this new method spearheaded by their lecturers.

Communications student Hoh May Kay, 22, said social networks had made it more convenient for her to follow course announcements and assignment updates.

She said she preferred chatting with her lecturers through Facebook as she could get an immediate response from them.

Mechanical engineering student Mohd Akram Mohd Yusof, 21, said social media could become an important tool for teachers to reach out to unresponsive students.

"We spend half our time on the Internet and by engaging students here, lecturers get to reach out to those who are beyond the barrier." By Nicholas Cheng and Kanyakumari Damodaran




Read more: Khaled: Use Facebook in varsities - General - New Straits Times

Thursday, February 2, 2012



PALO ALTO, CA –Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will be shut down in March of 2012. Managing the site has become too stressful. 

“Facebook has gotten out of control,” said Zuckerberg in a press conference outside his Palo Alto office, “and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness.”
Zuckerberg went on to explain that starting March 15th of next year, users will no longer be able to access their Facebook accounts.  That gives users (and Facebook addicts) a year to adjust to life without Facebook.
Read full article here
Many such messages were spreading on Facebook and other online platforms that Facebook is going to shut down in March 2012. 

facebook ends in march 2012

Hoax or Fact:

It is not a fact, it is just a hoax, a rumor that went viral.

Facebook, the most popular social networks for professionals is claimed to be closing down in March this year. The reason stated was that the CEO, Mark Zuckerberg finds it hard to manage this popular social networking platform and he wanted to shut down and have life.

The fact however is that it is just a silly rumor that started as a result of mixture of two different news. The first one is Yahoo announcement that its service Yahoo Video will be closing down on March 15, 2011, and the second one is a CNN article in which the author states his personal view saying that the recent investment in Facebook could be the “beginning of the end” for this company. Facebook is not going to close any time soon. Even their homepage says that "It's free and always will be". Facebook denied these news as hoax rumors and responded to this on their Twitter account, saying that it is not a fact, and that they have just started. CNN confirms the same stating further reasons why Facebook cannot shut down in near future.

via :



  • Silly rumor on internet says Mark Zuckerberg is shutting down Facebook
  • Rumor not true, Facebook director of corporate communications says
  • "We'll just keep cranking away like always," director says


Facebook NOT shutting down March 15

(Mashable)-- There's a silly rumor exploding on the Internet this weekend, alleging that Facebook is shutting down on March 15 because CEO Mark Zuckerberg "wants his old life back," and desires to "put an end to all the madness."

We have official confirmation from Facebook Director of Corporate Communications Larry Yu that the rumor is false.

We asked him via e-mail if Facebook was shutting down on March 15, to which he responded, "The answer is no, so please help us put an end to this silliness."

He added, "We didn't get the memo about shutting down and there's lots to do, so we'll just keep cranking away like always."


via :

Facebook Says It’s NOT Shutting Down March 15 [UPDATED]

There’s a silly rumor exploding on the Internet this weekend, alleging that Facebook is shutting down on March 15 because CEO Mark Zuckerberg “wants his old life back,” and desires to “put an end to all the madness.”

[UPDATE] We have official confirmation from Facebook Director of Corporate Communications Larry Yu that the rumor is false. We asked him via e-mail if Facebook was shutting down on March 15, to which he responded, “The answer is no, so please help us put an end to this silliness.” He added, “We didn’t get the memo about shutting down and there’s lots to do, so we’ll just keep cranking away like always.”

Let’s think about this for a minute. Would Facebook decide to shut down the company just a few days afterannouncing a round of funding, consisting of $450 million from Goldman Sachs and $50 million from Russian investment firm Digital Sky Technologies, on a valuation of $50 billion?

The spurious report was started by a site to which we refuse to link, known for its reports of impending attacks of alien spaceships and false reports of a Michelle Obama pregnancy.

The fact that this absurd hoax spread so efficiently makes us wonder: Will people believe anything?


Thursday, July 14, 2011

MillatFacebook Pengganti Facebook?



Lahore, CyberNews. Orang Pakistan, yang marah pada Facebook sehubungan dengan karikatur yang menghujat Nabi Muhammad SAW, telah menciptakan laman jejaring pemisahan diri yang mereka impikan dapat menghubungkan 1,6 miliar Muslim di seluruh dunia.

Sekelompok enam profesional muda TI dari Lahore, ibukota budaya dan hiburan Pakistan, meluncurkan bagi orang Muslim untuk berinteraksi daring (dalam jaringan) dan memprotes penghujatan.

Perusahaan swasta tersebut lahir setelah satu pengadilan Pakistan memerintah pemblokiran terhadap Facebook sampai 31 Mei, karena rakyat Pakistan tersinggung dengan laman Everyone Draw Mohammed Day yang menghujat dan menistakan Rasulullah SAW.

"Millatfacebook adalah laman jejaring sosial pertama yang dimiliki Pakistan. Laman buat Muslim oleh Muslim, tempat orang-orang yang baik dari agama lain juga diterima dengan tangan terbuka," kata jejaring itu kepada
orang tertarik untuk bergabung.

Setiap anggota memiliki wall buat teman untuk menyampaikan komentar. Laman tersebut menawarkan fasilitas surat elektronik, foto, video, bercakap-cakap dan diskusi.

Dalam bahasa Urdu kata Millat digunakan oleh umat Muslim untuk merujuk kepada bangsa mereka. Jejaring itu menyatakan telah menarik 4.300 anggota dalam tiga hari belakangan --kebanyakan orang Pakistan yang mampu berbahasa Inggris dalam usia 20-an tahun.

"Kami ingin memberitahu orang-orang Facebook, 'jika mereka macam-macam dengan kami, mereka harus menghadapi konsekuensi'," kata Usman Zaheer,24, pemimpin pelaksana rumah perangkat lunak yang menampung laman baru tersebut.

"Jika seseorang menghujat Nabi Muhammad SAW, maka kami akan menjadi pesaing mereka dan memberi kerugian besar dalam bisnis," katanya. Ia memimpinkan dapat membuat jejaring sosial Muslim terbesar.

Segera setelah bergabung, anggota baru hanya satu klik saja dari perdebatan di laman buletin.

Misalnya adalah "Enticing Fury" menulis, "Alasannya ialah forum ini harus tersedia buat SEMUA MUSLIM DI DUNIA dan bukan hanya di Pakistan. Jadi, penggunaan kata MILLAT sangat bagus! Selamat teman-teman. Kalian telah membuat pilihan yang sangat luar biasa buat seluruh umat Muslim!


MillatFacebook: Facebook Islam Untuk Semua

Bermula 19 Mei lalu, Mahkamah Pakistan telah mengharamkan Facebook di Pakistan sehingga 31 Mei sebagai bantahan kepada satu page di Facebook iaitu “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” atau dalam bahasa Melayunya Hari Melukis Nabi Muhammad. Aktiviti yang diadakan pada 20 Mei lalu di Facebook telah menimbulkan kemarahan penduduk Islam di seluruh dunia kerana menghina Islam dan Nabi Muhammad.

 Jika Mark Zuckerberg boleh berbangga dengan kejayaan laman sosial Facebook ciptaannya, Omer Zaheer Meer juga bakal menjejaki langkah Mark dengan penciptaan laman Facebook Islam iaitu MillatFacebook. MillatFacebook hampir menyerupai Facebook dari segi designnya, namun itu bukanlah persoalannya. Mungkin MillatFacebook ini sebagai laman sosial alternatif untuk umat Islam dan memboikot Facebook. Tidak mustahil dengan kehadiran MillatFacebook ini mampu memberi impak kepada Facebook. Sama-sama kita nantikan. Jika anda berminat, bolehlah mendaftarkan diri di MillatFacebook:

“MillatFacebook helps you connect and share with more than 1.57 Billion Muslims and Sweet people from other Religions.”

MillatFacebook dengan singkatan MFB, seperti juga FB bagi Facebook, pengasasnya berkata, pakar IT kini berusaha memasukkan ciri-ciri lain ke dalamnya bagi mencabar pesaing dari California itu. Setiap ahli memiliki ‘Wall’ untuk ulasan sahabat selain mengandungi kemudahan emel, foto, video, ruang sembang dan perbincangan. Perkataan ‘Millat’ adalah bahasa Urdu yang biasa digunakan untuk merujuk kepada negara.

Keburukan penggunaan Facebook ialah dari segi privasi. Facebook sesuka hati mendedahkan maklumat peribadi pengguna seperti nama, umur, tempat tinggal dan pekerjaan kepada advertisers (pengiklan-pengiklan). Facebook juga banyak meraih keuntungan melalui iklan-iklan di Facebook. Jika tidak mahu duit dilaburkan kepada pihak Yahudi, sama-sama lah kita sokong MillatFacebook yang dicipta bagi memenuhi keperluan sosial orang Islam terutamanya di Pakistan.

Facebook lebih banyak mendatangkan keburukan berbanding kebaikan jika disalahgunakan. Saya sendiri dah join MillatFacebook. Boleh tahan la, lebih kurang macam Facebook je. Sekarang ni, MillatFacebook sedang upgrade server kerana penggunanya kini mencecah 90,000 orang dalam masa beberapa hari je!

di petik dari

MillatFacebook Pengganti Facebook?

“MillatFacebook helps you connect and share with more than 1.57 Billion Muslims and Sweet people from other Religions.”

Omer Zaheer Meer telah mencipta milatfacebook yang seakan-akan menyerupai Facebook tapi pendekatan lebih diberikan kepada Islam. Maka MilatFacebook juga boleh dikatakan sebagai Facebook Islam. Yang pasti, selama ini orang ramai sering menyatakan 'Boikot Facebook' , jadi mari kita boikot dengan jalan yang benar dan semestinya orang ramai akan menjadi bosan tanpa Facebook kan???

Kerana itulah MilatFacebook dicipta.

Selain itu, perhubungan antara muslimin dan muslimat di setiap negara akan bertambah erat dan kukuh.

Facebook telah dicipta oleh Mark Zuckerberg dari California. 
Selain itu, ‘Millat’ daripada MilatFacebook terdiri daripada bahasa Urdu yang biasa digunakan untuk merujuk kepada negara. Sekarang ni, MillatFacebook sedang upgrade server bagi mencabar pesaing dari California itu

Jom ramai-ramai kita masuk MillatFacebook:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How Schools & Academic Can Use Facebook to Build an Online Community

David Hartstein is a partner at JG Visual, an Internet strategy company that works with organizations to develop and implement their online presence. You can connect with David on the JG Visual Facebook Page.

The word “Facebook,” so ubiquitous across the world, is enough to make any educator uneasy. When I was teaching at an elementary school in New York, the topic of social media came up from time to time. And generally when it did, it was about how teachers were being fired for posting too much information or were receiving disciplinary action for an ill-advised status update. The prevailing thought was, “better safe than sorry.” Basically, we were advised to be very careful when mixing our professional and personal lives in our use of social media.

Such an approach seems to be quite common and is understandable to a certain extent. When dealing with children, it is especially important to be mindful of protecting their well-being in whatever ways you can. There is always the possibility that teachers will say something that is inappropriate or share too much information. But “being safe” shouldn’t mean missing out on a key opportunity to engage the community.

It makes sense to have a policy to discourage individual teachers from posting specifics about their students to their personal profiles. But schools should counterbalance such a policy by setting up a Facebook Page to represent the school. Students, families, and faculty members are going to use Facebook regardless of whether or not schools choose to do so. By setting up a Facebook Page, schools can establish a controlled, professional presence that allows them to capitalize on this social space in many important ways, while still protecting their students. It’s important to note that while a Facebook Page is an excellent opportunity for schools to supplement their web presence, it doesn’t fully replace the benefits of a robust website.

Here are some ways that schools can benefit from establishing an effective Facebook presence.

A Quick Note on Protecting Students

As we discuss the potential benefits of using Facebook, it’s important to frame the discussion with a warning about protecting our students. Before launching a Facebook Page, school leaders must ensure they’ve thought through the types of content they’re going to share with the world. Before sharing any information about any student (including pictures, videos, first names, work samples, etc.) school leaders must ensure they’ve obtained consent from the child’s guardian. Additionally, schools should avoid sharing last names of students as this can potentially jeopardize their safety (and in some cases is actually illegal). With a little forethought, Facebook can offer a variety of benefits without risking any safety to students or members of the school community.

Share School News

Facebook is an excellent opportunity for a school to connect with families and share information rapidly. If a school is consistent in keeping the information updated and accurate, students and families will likely come to rely on the Facebook Page as a resource to find information about what’s going on at the school. There are many different types of information that a school could choose to share on its Facebook Page.

Share What’s Happening





A Facebook Page is a great place to post noteworthy happenings around the school via a status update that posts on the Page’s wall. This is an easy way to keep families informed as to what’s going on during the school day. Additionally, it only takes moments to do (which in a school is always a good thing). If an event is particularly exciting, take some photos to share. For instance, Citizen Schools shared photos of a recent visit from Arianna Huffington and Tim Armstrong.

Share Upcoming Events

A Facebook Page is an excellent opportunity for a school to post upcoming events using the Facebook Events app. This app not only allows people to RSVP, but also makes it easy for them to share that they’re attending. Utilizing Facebook Events can potentially lead to increased attendance at school functions. A school can also update attendees about any change in plans and send out a reminder as the event approaches.

Make School Announcements

Facebook is a great space for schools to make announcements to parents and students. For instance, if there is an ever-coveted snow day, announce it on the Facebook Page. If a school shares the snow day on its Facebook Page, the news will be sent to the walls of everyone that has Liked the page. Consistency is the key here. If the page is consistently updated with school news, followers will develop an expectation that they can count on the Facebook Page when they want to learn about something concerning the school. I’d also bet that news like a snow day will get plenty of Likes, which will spread the news quickly across the community’s social graph.

Use Media to Showcase School Culture

Many schools pride themselves on creating a unique culture that promotes not only academics but also the social development of its students. Facebook provides an opportunity to showcase this unique culture with those who can’t be in the building during the school day.

Share Photos

Photos are an excellent way to showcase school culture. A school may choose to use photos to highlight a variety of aspects of the school, including:

  • Students exhibiting values the school encourages
  • Celebrations of student work
  • Field trips
  • Experiential learning activities
  • Assemblies or school-wide celebrations
  • Recognition of individual students for excellence

Share Videos

Videos can be an incredible way for a school to personalize its online presence and actually demonstrate what it is that makes it special. A school may add videos that showcase a lot of different things, including:

  • A variety of learning, including different subjects and age groups
  • Assemblies or school-wide events
  • Community meetings
  • High caliber teaching and student engagement
  • Students, teachers, and members of the community discussing what makes the school special
  • Share songs, chants, or cheers that are used as a part of school culture or academics
  • Sporting events
  • Plays, concerts and other performances

Use as a Recruitment Tool





Facebook has potential to help a school attract talented teachers and school leaders as well as raise the overall level of awareness surrounding the hard work it’s doing. By using Facebook, a school can add another layer to their recruitment efforts and help attract staff and, if applicable, attract students as well.

Using Facebook to Attract Staff

Facebook is a logical place for schools to focus some of their efforts when recruiting talented teachers and school leaders. For starters, the aforementioned use of media to share details of the school will provide potential staff members a glimpse inside of the school. I know if I was torn between applying to work in two schools, I would likely favor one that was providing me with photos and videos to complement their description of what they’re doing to support students. As long as a school actually has a strong culture and learning community, sharing it effectively can significantly bolster its recruiting efforts.

Additionally, Facebook is a great place for a school to post its job openings. Facebook makes it incredibly easy to share content, which means if I know someone who’s looking for a certain teaching position and come across such a position on a school’s page, I can easily send it his or her way. Current teachers can also share job openings with people in their network that may potentially be interested in applying.

If a school has an online system for accepting job applications, it should include the link on the Facebook Page. If a school doesn’t have such a system in place, it may want to consider using an application that integrates with Facebook. Here’s an example from TEAM Schools, a Network of KIPP Schools, which is using the Job Magic Facebook app to recruit and accept applications.

Using Facebook to Attract Students

For schools that also focus on recruitment of students or enrolling students in a selection lottery, Facebook can be an excellent resource. First of all, a school can share the aspects of the school that make it appealing through photos and videos. But it can also share key information about enrollment, including deadlines, links to an online application, and links to resources that may be useful for a family that is interested in enrolling a student. The fact that information is easily shared via Facebook again bodes well for a school interested in recruiting students.

The Power of Data

Many schools use their strong academic results as a key to their recruiting efforts. Facebook provides a great opportunity for a school to share their aggregated academic data with the world. Not only is it available to those interested in potentially becoming a part of the community, but is also accessible to students and families that are already in the school. These results are easy for students, teachers, and proud family members to Like and share with people in their Facebook network.

Get Feedback from the Community

Facebook allows a school to lower the barriers to participation for members of the community. By effectively leveraging Facebook, a school can make it easier for community members to get involved and share their opinions on a variety of fronts. While some schools may fear this increased participation, others will embrace it as it not only increases involvement, but can also lead to a healthy discourse about what’s happening at the school.

Use Facebook Discussions

One opportunity lies in the Discussions tab on the Facebook Page. A school can create a discussion about a specific topic and allow members of the community to share their thoughts within the thread. Admins will be able to moderate the thread and remove any posts that are inappropriate.

Use Polls

Polls provide a chance for a school to solicit feedback directly from its followers. The nice thing about using a poll is that a school can limit the choices available and, with a few simple clicks, blast it out to all of its followers. It’s a great way to quickly collect data that can help inform decision making.

Use Facebook Questions

An alternative to polls, Facebook Questions allow a school to solicit feedback from the community while being a little less restrictive. Questions provides the option for a school to allow users to write in answer choices as well as share the question with others in their network. However, it’s worth noting that Questions opens responses up to friends of friends, which may not necessarily provide the best sample if a school is trying to poll just members of its community. If only sampling those in the school isn’t a priority, Questions could be a good fit. For example, YES Prep Public Schools used Facebook Questions to help determine what mascot they should use for a new school they’re opening in the fall. As of the writing of this article, “Titans” is winning handily.

A Note on Settings and Privacy





Once a school has set up a Facebook Page, there are a few settings it may want to consider to ensure it’s easy to monitor. Please note that in order to do any of the following you must first be logged in and designated as an Admin of the Facebook Page.

Posting Ability

It’s a good idea to control the permissions regarding what content users are allowed to upload. To access permissions, do the following:

1. Click “Edit Page” in the upper-right of the Facebook Page
2. Select the “Manage Permissions” tab on the left side of the screen
3. Uncheck “Users can add photos”
4. Uncheck “Users can add videos”
5. Leave “Users can write or post content on the wall” checked
6. Click the blue “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page

It’s a good idea to start off by limiting these permissions. If a school ultimately decides it would like to expand the permissions it offers its followers, it’s easy to do so. It’s better to become more permissive than more restrictive.

Also, it’s worth noting that unlike with personal photos on Facebook, followers won’t be able to tag people in the photos that the school uploads to its Facebook Page. As discussed above in the privacy section, this is a good thing when children are involved for many reasons.

Profanity Blocklist

Facebook allows the Admins of a Page to enable an automatic screener for profanity. To enable this profanity blocklist, do the following:

1. Click “Edit Page” in the upper-right of the Facebook Page
2. Select the “Manage Permissions” tab on the left side of the screen
3. In the dropdown beside “Profanity Blocklist:” select “Strong”
4. Click the blue “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page

If there are specific words that a school would like to prohibit from being used, it can write them in the box beside “Moderation Blocklist” on the same page. If a user tries to use one of these prohibited words, it will automatically be marked as spam and won’t show up on the Facebook page.

Enable Email Notifications

To prevent page Admins from having to constantly be checking the Facebook page, it’s a good idea to enable Email Notifications. To do so, do the following:

1. Click “Edit Page” in the upper right of the Facebook Page
2. Select the “Your Settings” tab on the left side of the screen
3. Check the checkbox beside “Email Notifications”
4. Click the blue “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page

Now, whenever a user posts or comments on the Facebook Page, the Admin will receive an email letting them know that the interaction has occurred.

Make It Personal

The key to any school successfully leveraging Facebook is finding what fits the personality of the individual school. The above ideas are merely suggestions as a way to get started. The important thing is that each school makes their Facebook Page an extension of the amazing things they are doing every day in the classroom.

While Facebook is at times a bit daunting, when used effectively it can provide schools with an excellent opportunity to engage the communities they serve and act as a key component in a school’s online presence.

Is there a school in your community using Facebook to its full potential? Do you have any additional tips? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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