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Perpustakaan Digital UiTM

Infografik 3 komponen utama Model perpustakaan digital UiTM.

Repositori UiTM

The repository is a platform that contains sources of reference materials for learning and research purposes. The UiTM Library provides three repositories that provide a collection of digital materials through the repository of university institutions, Open Access and Local Content Hub.

My Knowledge Management

MyKM Portal provide the complete information search, categorization and personalization services that allow UiTM Library users to harness the collected enterprise knowledge assets from a single, logical point of access.

UiTM Institutional Repository

UiTM IR is a centre of digital collections, act as an open-access repository that collects, preserve and disseminates scholarly output by university members at Universiti Teknologi MARA.


With the mobile app, you can access information wherever you are and whenever you want to get the latest information on our library, access e-resources and many more.


22 UiTM Digital Services

Showing posts with label PWA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PWA. Show all posts

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Bengkel Pembangunan MobileApp@PTAR Menggunakan PWA

Bengkel pembangunan MobileApp@PTAR telah dilaksanakan pada 23 dan 24 Februari 2022 bertempat di Pusat IT PTAR. Bengkel ini bertujuan untuk membuat penambahbaikan terhadap MobileApp@PTAR dengan menggunakan teknologi PWA (Progressive Web App). Aplikasi ini menggunakan teknologi web seperti HTML, CSS dan JavaScript.

Aplikasi MobileApp sangat diperlukan oleh pengguna pada masa kini dan hadapan. Justeru penambahbaikan dan perubahan teknologi yang lebih pantas dan memudahkan hendaklah dilaksanakan bagi Perpustakaan seiring dengan keperluan semasa dan pendidikan masa hadapan.

Disertakan artikel pembacaan bagi menambah ilmu tentang PWA :

Taklimat Halatuju Keperluan Pendidikan Masa Hadapan 
(Future Digital Education)

Perbincangan Kerangka bersama Pakar PWA UiTM. 
Terima kasih atas bantuan En Azrul, En Yuzi dan En Adam

Penambahbaikan teknik searching yang lebih pantas 
menggunakan meilisearch

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Apa itu Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

 The web is an incredible platform. Its mix of ubiquity across devices and operating systems, its user-centered security model, and the fact that neither its specification nor its implementation is controlled by a single company makes the web a unique platform to develop software on. Combined with its inherent linkability, it's possible to search it and share what you've found with anyone, anywhere. Whenever you go to a website, it's up-to-date, and your experience with that site can be as ephemeral or as permanent as you'd like. Web applications can reach anyone, anywhere, on any device with a single codebase.